Pre-K 3-Year-Old Program
VPK (Part and Full Time)
Kindergarten through 8th Grade

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the age requirements for a child entering Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten?
We require all Pre K (4-year-old) applicants to be 4 years of age by September 1st of the enrollment year. We require all Kindergarten applicants to be 5 years of age by September 1st of the enrollment year.
Do you have before and after-school care?
Yes. Before-Care begins at 7:00 am and After-Care is available from 3:15 - 5:45 pm on full school days and 12:15 - 5:45 pm on half days.
Do you offer financial assistance?
Yes. Through our tuition assistance program, and other outside sources, families in need may apply for tuition aid. We are committed to helping provide a Catholic education to families who desire it for their child(ren), regardless of income. Further details can be discussed at your appointment with the Finance Office.
What if we are not Catholic?
St. Charles Borromeo welcomes students of all faiths. We believe in the education of the mind, body and spirit of each child in a safe and nurturing environment.
Do you offer any type of academic assistance to students who have an IEP? What about an accelerated program for those that excel?
Yes, SCBS is equipped with a program to meet the challenge of most learners. We provide extra instruction to students who need help by working with them individually and in small groups, while collaborating with classroom teachers. In addition to their classroom learning, we offer many enrichment opportunities for students who excel. Students participate in an annual Science Fair, National Geography Bee, and many other enrichment experiences throughout the year. Special subjects such as Art, Music, Band, Spanish, Library, Physical Education,Guidance, and Technology, as well as extracurricular activities such as Choir, Student Government, Safety Patrol, and National Junior Honor Society ensure that all students expand their knowledge and receive a well-rounded education.
Do you offer a hot lunch program?
Yes. Students may bring their lunch or order a hot lunch from our cafeteria. The menu varies monthly. .
Do all students wear uniforms?
Yes, all students in Pre K - 8th grade wear uniforms. Uniforms are available through Children's World in Sarasota.